
Worried about Winter Outdoor Workouts?

At FIT4MOM, we love outdoor workouts! You'll find us working out just about anytime, although we will always move inside when it drops below 35 degrees. The thought of an outdoor winter workout can be terrifying! How do you move when it is so cold? How do you enjoy it? How is your little one happy outside?

My first winter at FIT4MOM, I was so worried about the cold that I almost did not even try an outdoor workout. I'm so glad my instructor was patient with my worries and kept reassuring me if I dress myself and my daughter for the weather, we would not only be fine, but we would enjoy it. She was right - being outside was so good for both of us!

Here's what to know:

For Mama:

1. Layer, layer, and layer! Layers are the best because you can add or remove as you need to during your workout!

2. Don't forget your hands, feet, and head! Think gloves, warm socks, and a hat.

3. Sunscreen- yes, even in the cold, always put on sunscreen anywhere exposed (face, ears, and neck).

4. You will still need to bring water and stay hydrated throughout your workout.

5. Keep an eye on how you feel during your workout. Our instructors are awesome and they will keep asking you how you are doing. If you are not feeling great, tell them!

We move the whole workout so you really won't be as cold as you think you will. We have great instructors, great music, and the hour will really fly by (just ask our members).

For baby:

1. Just like mama, layer, layer, and layer! Put a base layer closest to their skin made from non cotton material (cotton absorbs moisture and takes longer to dry), an insulation layer if needed, and finally, a wind resistant layer on top.

2. Hands, feet, and head are so important! Warm socks (or two pairs of socks), mittens, and a hat is a must. Hats should cover their ears too.

3. Blanket for baby in stroller: tucked around baby and under their legs, this is a great way to keep them warm while they move around too.

4. Monitor baby for signs of overheating: looking flush and being hot to the touch. This is a sign to remove some layers.

5. Sunscreen if over 6 months - just like mama!

6. Pack extra snacks and hydration for baby.

Ask your instructor any questions you have about outdoor workouts- I promise we too have been there taking our first outdoor winter workout and we remember the worries!

Never done an outdoor workout? You've got this, Mama! Come join us!